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Jan, 20 3:00 PM CET
Technology Stage

Finding the Needle in the Haystack of Tech Solutions for the Energy Transition – from Production to Distribution

In this workshop we will discuss the following topics:

  • How to define a challenge worth solving
  • How to find and select the best available tech solutions
  • How to shape a pilot partnership to test the quality of the solution, the team and the relationship
  • How to evaluate and fail or scale fast in order to keep the energy and the quality high
Pieter Paul van Oerle Strategy Director at TNW, Founder at nlmtd
Jan, 20 3:00 PM CET
Main Stage
Jan, 20 3:40 PM CET
Technology Stage

Smart imaging technology for provision of critical data for Oil & Gas Industry - reliable level control, emulsion detection and process optimization all designed to avoid plant shutdowns and allow process improvements

Rocsole's field-proven tank, separator and pipeline solutions have succesfully tackled all kinds of real challenges in oil & gas industry around the world. Utilizing the famous See Beyond technology and hardened mechanics, Rocsole's devices thrive on solving difficult problems in extreme and hazardous conditions.

Join this presentation to learn more!
Jan, 20 4:00 PM CET
Main Stage

Shrink to Grow: How the Oil Industry Can Win Back Investors by Embracing Its Own Demise

The global oil industry is facing an uncertain future: after 125 year of nearly continuous growth, demand for oil looks set to peak in the coming decade as the world moves to address climate change. Rather than fight the inevitable, oil companies should lean into the transition, and opt either to wind down or to leverage their assets to transition into a new kind of energy company.

Andrew Logan Senior Director, Oil and Gas, Ceres
Jan, 20 4:30 PM CET
Main Stage

Emerging Opportunities of the Accelerated Energy Transition in Colombia

The global energy transition community named Colombia its pioneer in Latin America. Leveraging abundant natural resources, the country introduced renewable energy auctions in 2019 which enabled the government to launch dozens of renewable energy projects across the country. In the interview with Davos Energy Week Minister Mesa, the mastermind behind his country’s energy transformation programs, will reveal his Ministry’s further plans and steps in that regard.

Diego Mesa Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia
Jan, 20 4:30 PM CET
Technology Stage

The Planet Doesn't Care About Your PR: Scaling Sustainable Supply Chains

The global supply chain accounts for an incredibly high percentage (~30%) of green house gasses and PR just isn't going to solve that.

Join this session to learn about what the highest performing shippers are doing to green their supply chains and what the role of finance and ESG investing is in accelerating the mass adoption of sustainable practices.

Marc Held CEO at Lockstep AI (Sustainable supply chain finance)
Jan, 20 5:00 PM CET
Main Stage
Panel Discussion

New Energy Investment Rules for Achieving Sustainable Future

  • How are energy investment rules changing to obtain a low-carbon energy system? Successful examples of green investments around the world.

  • What is the likelihood that investment opportunities arising from the energy transition will outweigh climate-related risks? How to assess climate-related risks before making energy investments.

  • How can regulators and banks foster a corporate transition to cleaner technologies? What financial instruments are there for promoting energy efficiency—regulation, taxation, subsidies?

  • How can green investments bring a competitive advantage to companies and improve their economic resilience to climate change?

Rentia van Tonder Head Power and Infrastructure Client Coverage at Standard Bank SA
David Hayes Managing Partner at bp ventures
Amy West Managing Director, Global Head of Sustainable Finance and Corporate Transitions at TD Securities.
Reid Capalino SVP Business Development at LS Power
Jan, 20 5:00 PM CET
Technology Stage

Speeding Up Global Decarbonization by Integrating Renewables into the Local Electricity Grid

eleXsys Energy is an innovative renewable energy technology company focused on providing comprehensive clean energy solutions that aid businesses and organizations to significantly reduce electricity costs and build a clean energy future.

eleXsys Energy is the developer of eleXsys - a transformative AI and IoT-based technology platform enabling electricity grids to accept multiple times more distributed clean energy resources without the need for expensive infrastructure and equipment upgrades.

Join this presentation to learn more!

Richard Romanowski Executive Director & CoFounder at eleXsys Energy
Jan, 20 5:30 PM CET
Technology Stage

DNG's LNG bunkering at Coega, Algoa Bay: A game changer for Africa's energy needs and decarbonising economies

DNG Energy is an integrated energy resources and infrastructure company founded by South African entrepreneur Aldworth Mbalati in 2013. The company specialises in the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure and will be bringing LNG to South Africa in 2021, making a cleaner, affordable fuel alternative available to the market. We believe that providing widespread, affordable natural gas has the potential to fundamentally alter South Africa’s socio-economic outlook while also helping in achieving climate change goals.

Aldworth Mbalati Group CEO at DNG Energy
Jan, 20 7:00 PM CET
Main Stage

Achieving Ultra-High Penetration Renewables at Least Cost: Optimized Technological Portfolios and Global Implications

World trends and technological advances suggest that we can’t argue that the future of energy is green. The cost of renewable energy is still higher than of traditional forms, although it has dropped significantly. There are still obstacles to wider use, for example, the inconstancy of energy production, which raises the need for more storage capacity. So, what optimized technological portfolios are there for achieving ultra-high penetration renewables at least cost?
Marc Perez Member of the Board of Directors at American Solar Energy Society (ASES)