Jan, 19 1:00 PM CET
Technology Stage
Setting a Global B2B Sales Network for Energy Tech
Knowing how to build an effective B2B sales network can help reduce unnecessary mistakes in devising a successful energy tech product. Marko Koski from EnergySpin co-hosts a workshop entitled: “Setting a global B2B sales network for energy tech” with EnergySpin’s guest Paollo Borella, a great speaker with over 20 years’ experience shaping acceleration and innovation programs.
Jan, 19 2:30 PM CET
Technology Stage
How to Build a Bankable Project as a Green Entrepreneur and attract Funding
Becoming a Green Entrepreneur is an attractive idea, but it can also be challenging to raise funds and come up with a product or solution that will eventually make a profit. Our Davos Energy Week Online speakers are professional in this field who not only can relate to such problems, but also share some tips on how to put together a successful project.
Jan, 20 12:00 PM CET
Technology Stage
Emerging Hydrogen Opportunities for Startups and Solution Providers in Australia
Hydrogen technologies have been showing themselves to be full of potential across the globe. In Australia, the conversation about rising hydrogen opportunities is well underway. Hydrogen, which is easily converted, storable, transportable, light and flexible turns out to be a great new opportunity for startups and energy solution providers. Join this workshop presented by Startupbootcamp EnergyAustralia to get a better understanding of the opportunities that emerge with the rise of hydrogen technologies across the globe, starting with Australia itself. See you at Davos Energy Week!
Jan, 20 1:30 PM CET
Technology Stage
5 Ways to Impress Investors with your Startup Pitch
Pitching is one of the most important steps in the startup development process. It can help you find business partners, connect with investors, attract funds, and simply make your company more recognizable in a fast-paced world of startups. A good pitch is something that everyone should aspire to, if they are prepared to establish a truly successful company. This can be achieved by a lot of practice and up-to-date insights.
Jan, 20 3:00 PM CET
Technology Stage
Finding the Needle in the Haystack of Tech Solutions for the Energy Transition – from Production to Distribution
In this workshop we will discuss the following topics:
- How to define a challenge worth solving
- How to find and select the best available tech solutions
- How to shape a pilot partnership to test the quality of the solution, the team and the relationship
- How to evaluate and fail or scale fast in order to keep the energy and the quality high