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Lola DarocaLola Daroca

Business Analyst at EDP Innovation


Lola Daroca is Business Analyst at EDP Innovation. After 4 years working with startups, her role at EDP is to manage different open innovation initiatives through the analysis of the different needs of the company's business units in order to source the best startups in the energy ecosystem to run pilot projects with them, unlocking the internal innovation challenges and allowing the startups to test their solutions and enter new markets. Lola will run a workshop on how to improve your startup pitch on the second day of the Davos Energy Week.

Takes part in

Jan, 20 1:30 PM CET
Technology Stage

5 Ways to Impress Investors with your Startup Pitch

Pitching is one of the most important steps in the startup development process. It can help you find business partners, connect with investors, attract funds, and simply make your company more recognizable in a fast-paced world of startups. A good pitch is something that everyone should aspire to, if they are prepared to establish a truly successful company. This can be achieved by a lot of practice and up-to-date insights.
Lola Daroca Business Analyst at EDP Innovation