New Energy Investment Rules for Achieving Sustainable Future
Investment is the lifeblood of the global energy system. Today, global investors tend to be concerned about their carbon footprints and global warming, so they take into account what long-term implications the investment decisions they make today have for reaching climate and other energy efficiency goals. Falling costs and technological innovation are making renewable energy on-trend for investors, at the same time helping them reach carbon and emissions reduction targets for their portfolios.
In this panel discussion, top financial experts will shed light on the current energy investment landscape and how it is evolving to meet decarbonization goals. They will offer answers to some key questions:
How are energy investment rules changing to obtain a low-carbon energy system? Successful examples of green investments around the world.
What is the likelihood that investment opportunities arising from the energy transition will outweigh climate-related risks? How to assess climate-related risks before making energy investments.
How can regulators and banks foster a corporate transition to cleaner technologies? What financial instruments are there for promoting energy efficiency—regulation, taxation, subsidies?
How can green investments bring a competitive advantage to companies and improve their economic resilience to climate change?